HBOS Shares


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Hi,I have 108 shares in HBOS,the last correspondence I received was a HBOS Shareholder Account Tax Voucher.the dates on this are on 12 May 2008 for the year ended 31st Dec 2007,I moved house in June 2007 and have not changed my addresss for these shares,can anyone help me find out if and how I can still change my address,will I still own the shares and what name or Bank are HBOS owned by now.Cheers

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Share Certificates 2 Answer 15919 views 0

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Answers ( 2 )

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    HBOS (Halifax BS & Bank of Scotland) was taken over by Lloyds Bank in 2009.
    Contact the Registrars, Equiniti, give them all the details, past and present and they will sort you out
    0371 384 2030

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      Hi,Thankyou,very much for the info,I will give them a call,the shares are probably worth Minus 0 now,but worth checking.Cheers Irene

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